Product description
Jeger Primer Perle is a primer for the decorative effect Jeger Perle. It evens out the absorbency of the substrate, strengthens and increases the adhesion of the decorative effect and allows for proper application to achieve the desired effect.
Substrate preparation
The substrate should be dry, clean and durable. Remove damaged (e.g., peeling and cracked) coating of previous paints, glue and lime paints. Fill surface defects with a suitable filler and sand down. Clean previously painted surfaces from impurities that limit paint adhesion, e.g. dust, greasy stains, rust, fungi and mold.
Product application
Mix the product thoroughly before use. Do not dilute with water. Do not mix with other products. Apply the first coat with a microfiber roller spreading it in a crosswise motion, irregularly in all directions. Let it dry for 2h. After this time, the surface can be covered with a decorative effect. If necessary, if there are pronounced ground color breakthroughs, apply a second coat. Apply at a temperature of +8°C to +25°C, at a relative humidity of max. 82%, avoid drafts. After finishing the work, wash the tools with warm water.
Manufacturer: Global Point Sp. z o.o. Sp.K., ul. Rozwoju 3, Biskupice Podgórne, 55-040 Kobierzyce, e-mail:, tel. +48 887 71 71 04