Jeger Travertine Wax
Wax to make an imitation of travertine for application in combination with Jeger Crudo decorative effect color Italian
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Product description
Jeger Travertine Wax Decorative wax is a product designed for the effect of Jeger Crudo. Used to achieve an effect imitating Travertine. Provides a waterproof surface.
Substrate preparation
The substrate should be dry, clean and durable. Clean the surfaces of impurities that limit the adhesion of the wax, such as dust.
Product application
Mix the product before use. Do not dilute with water. Do not mix with other paints. On a completely dried and varnished surface Jeger Crudo apply a thin layer evenly Jeger Travertine Wax. Apply the product with a decorative effects sponge, do not spread the product too much. Pull off the excess as you go. Leave the product to dry for 4 hours. Apply at a temperature of +8°C to +25°C, at a maximum relative humidity of 82%, avoid drafts. Wash your painting tools with warm water after painting.
Manufacturer: Global Point Sp. z o.o. Sp.K., ul. Rozwoju 3, Biskupice Podgórne, 55-040 Kobierzyce, e-mail:, tel. +48 887 71 71 04